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This could be the most perfect groom’s speech ever


Ben Carpenter / Youtube

Cerith Gardiner - published on 11/27/23

A newlywed went to great lengths to ensure his marriage got off on the right foot!

Wedding speeches can be a great cause for concern for those writing them — and occasionally for those listening to them!

However, a recent video shared by Pubity provided a great example of what a great speech should entail: a dash of humor, consideration for guests, a cheeky interruption, a declaration of love for the bride, and a desire to bring two families together.

During the speech, the groom shared the wonderful lengths to which he went to honor his new in-laws.

The new husband revealed how he’d been learning Korean without his then-fiancée knowing. By participating in 30-minute video calls he was able to publicly address his parents-in-law in their native Korean on his wedding day — much to the surprise and delight of his wife, Sohee.

While his efforts can only bode well for the marriage, it’s also a great example to all that a great union is based on communication, and not just between the spouses, but also the extended family of the couple. And sometimes it takes a real effort to make sure everyone is understood and feels included.

It’s a delight to watch the video just to see the reaction of the new in-laws, and of course the bride herself. And while we’re not experts in Korean, the groom’s efforts are mightily impressive and prove what lengths we’ll go to for love.

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